School of Philology and Translation

Vusal Karimli
PhD in Pedagogy
Translation Programs, Foreign language (English)
+994 12 492 74 18
• Information as one of the main category of the text” Actual Problems of Teaching of Humanitarian Sciences Journal Baki 2007-3. p. 36-39
• “Literal text as the speech communication” .On current issues of linguistic and teaching of languages. International Scientific Conference 2007 November 9-10. P.117-122
• “Communication via Information technologies and Literal Text” Linguistics and Theory of Literature Volume 47, book 5.3, The Proceedings of University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” Ruse, Bulgaria 2008, page 29-33 [ ]
• Collaboration between higher institutions and foreign organizations on the scientific-methodological point of view. International Scientific Journal 1(36), Georgia, Tbilisi 2010. P153-156
• The didactic conception of forming the international scientific-educational database system. International Scientific-technical conference” Automated control systems and modern information technologies” Georgia, Tbilisi 201, p186
• The didactics of information system of base components management within the frame of foreign relations of higher educational institutions. International Scientific-technical conference” Automated control systems and modern information technologies” Georgia, Tbilisi 201 p185, V.Karimli, Prof. Telman Malikov
• Organizations of exchanges of expertise with foreign universities and scientific centres. 1st International Scientific Conference Computer Sciences, Educational management, modern technologies in teaching. Transactions, Georgia, Tbilisi 2011 P139
• Informational-Communication Relations and Problems with Foreign Universities For Management of Education Programs Chachanidze G., Karimli V.M.. I international Scientific Conference. Computer Sciences, Educational Management, Modern Technologies in Teaching. Transactions Tbilisi, 2011
• Administrative Management, as a Social Action, in the form of the United System and the Main Directions of its Development PhD. V.K.Maharram, Dr. M.Sh.Qurbanov, B.K Kadirov. ПРОБЛЕМЫ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ. 2013 Russia-page42
• The conceptual scheme of the internal structural and external information links management at the department of international relations of the Ganja State University, Azerbaijan. Dr. Vusal Karimli. Ganja State University. June 2018
• Comparing Directions Of Governance Changes In Higher Education Institutions In The US And EU, Their Development Processes. Dr.Vusal Karimli, 2020, Baku Engineering University
• Administrative Management Theory at HIgh Educational institutions and it's Following Stages. Dr.Vusal Karimli, Prof. Hussein Baghirov 2020, International Journal of Management (IJM), Volume 11, Issue 10, 2020,