Scientific Council
Approved on October 2nd, 2017 by Decision No. 5 of Western Caspian University’s Board of Trustees.
Regulation Concerning WCU Academic Council:
- This regulation defines the main directions, rights, and tasks of creating and organising the activities of the Academic Council (hereinafter referred to as ‘Academic Council’) of the Western Caspian University (hereinafter referred to as ‘University’)
- The Regulation Concerning the Academic Council of the University was approved by the Charter of the University, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ‘On Education’ in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated June 13th , 2000 No. 349- On Improving the Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan and in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 10th, 1997 No. 792
- The Academic Council is the highest governing body for the educational and training standards at the University. The rector of the University heads the Academic Council
- The Academic Council’s term of office is 5 years. Early re-establishment of the Academic Council may be carried out at the request of at least 2/3 of its members
- The composition of the Academic Council is approved by the Board of Founders
- The procedure for election to the Academic Council, its rights and obligations, are approved by Order No. 792 of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 10th, 1997, provided that it does not contradict the Regulation on the Academic Council of a Higher Educational Institution, as determined below:
- The Academic Council includes the Rector (Chairman) of the University, Vice-Rector (Deputy Chairman) for academic work, Vice-rectors, Academic Secretary, deans, heads of branches, and other structural divisions, chairmen of the student youth organisation, Student Academic Society, and Educational and Methodological Council. Other members of the Academic Council may constitute 3-10% of the total number of faculty and academic staff at the University. This number is determined by the Board of Founders depending on the number of faculty and academic staff
- Candidates for Academic Council are elected by secret ballot at a general meeting of faculty and academic staff of each school (faculty), branch, or corresponding structural unit.
- The Academic Council of the University:
- Approves the internal disciplinary rules for university staff (students, teachers, employees and doctoral students)
- In addition to the Regulations of the Grand Council, the Board of Trustees and the Academic Council approve the regulations, instructions and other regulatory documents of other structural divisions
- Approves uniformity of rules for holding competitions and contracts for positions in schools (faculties, branches, departments, courses)
- Defines and submits to the Board of Founders a plan for the admission of students
- Considers personnel issues, holds a competition among applicants for the posts of professor and/or senior researcher at the suggestion of the Academic Council of structural divisions of the University (school, faculty, branch, etc.) and considers questions about their early dismissal
- Elects the heads of laboratories under the subordination of the department, school (faculty) and institute
- Listens to the Rector’s annual report on the University’s activities
- Considers issues related to training specialists, academic and pedagogical personnel, their additional education and solves issues related to all academic and research work
- Internally elect a secretary of the Council, establish commissions on education and science, socio-economic and economic activities, listen to their reports and make pertinent decisions
- Organise the work of the Council, prepare meetings and monitor the implementation of decisions. The members of the Council elect an Academic Secretary from among its members
- Periodically listen to the report of schools (faculties) on academic, research and educational work
- Consider questions concerning assigning academic titles ‘Professor’, ‘Associate Professor’, ‘Chief Researcher’, etc.
- Represent University employees for the assignment of honorary titles and awards, orders and medals of the republic
- Acknowledge distinguished scientists, statesmen, public/political figures who are recognised in the country and the world, and are awarded titles such as Honorary Doctor of the University or Honorary Professor of the University
- Award University prizes for academic work and pedagogical activity
- Approve curricula
- Decide to publish textbooks, teaching aids, monographs and curricula
- Define the rules for exams and evaluation criteria
- Define the rules for awarding scholarships under applicable regulations
- Approve the councils' structure on the University’s education methodology, editing, publishing and library
- Nominates candidates for election to full and corresponding members of AMEA
- In exceptional cases- in the absence of faculty’s academic councils- and in the case of conflicts, by the decision of the Rector, associate professors, senior teachers and assistants, research workers are selected and issues on their early release are considered
- Solve other issues entrusted by the Board of Founders.
- The Academic Council works according to the work plan provided for the school year and each semester. The work plan of the Academic Council is adopted at a meeting and approved by the Rector
- Decisions of the Academic Council on all issues of academic, scientific and educational work are made by a simple majority of votes in an open vote, when choosing and withdrawing faculty, when submitting assignments of professors, associate professors, and honorary titles, results are received by secret ballot in the prescribed manner
- Meetings of the Academic Council are held at least once every two months
- For the Academic Council to make a decision, at least 2/3 of its members must participate in the meeting. The decision is considered final if more than 50% of the total number of participants in the Academic Council vote in favour of the issue under discussion
- The decisions of the Academic Council come into force after approval by the Rector
- Meetings of the Academic Council are recorded, signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Academic Council, and retained by the Academic Secretary
- The Chairman of the Academic Council organises a regular review for implementation of decisions of the Council and informs members of the Council regarding the implementation of the decisions taken
- The Academic Council bears the responsibility to the Board of Founders for the exercise of the rights and obligations assigned to it
- The decision of the Academic Council can be cancelled by the Board of Founders if there are reasonable grounds to establish that the decision taken by the Academic Council is not objective and/or contrary to the law
- This regulation comes into force from the date the Board of Founders approves it
- Additions and amendments to this Regulation may only be made by the decision of the Board of Founders.