Western Caspian University


Members of the Academic Council of Westeren Caspian University

  1. Rashad Baghirov, Executive Vice-Rector - Chairman; rashad@wcu.edu.az
  2. Ph.D., Assoc. Tarana Poladova , Scientific Secretary ; teranepoladova@wcu.edu.az
  3. Prof. Safar Purhani , The Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs; sefer.purhani@wcu.edu.az
  4. Kelik Gozalov, Pro-Rector for Exam Organization, English Language Use and Structural Reform in Education, Associate Professor; keklik.gezalova@wcu.edu.az
  5. Duriya Nuriyeva, Vice Rector for Organization and General Affairs; duriya.nuriyeva@wcu.edu.az
  6. Mahir Huseynov, Vice-Rector for General Affairsş
  7. Ph.D., Assoc. Sevda Sadikhbeyova, Dean of the Faculty of Design; sevda.sadikhbeyova@wcu.edu.az
  8. Nailya Guliyeva , Dean of the Faculty of High Technologies and Innovative Mechanical Engineering; naila.guliyeva@wcu.edu.az
  9. Assoc. Adila Asadova , Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences; adila.asadova@wu.edu.az
  10. Elnara Gazizade , Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences; elnara.gazizade@wu.edu.az
  11. Tural Velizade, deputy director of the masters and doctoral department; tural.velizade@wcu.edu.az
  12. Ph.D. Piri Akhundov, Head of the Organization and Management Training Center; piri.akhundov@wcu.edu.az
  13. Anar Rzayev, Head of the legal department; anar.rzayev@wcu.edu.az
  14. Prof. Damet Bagirov, Director of the Department of Management; damet.bagirov@wcu.edu.az
  15. Ph.D., Assoc. Afag Gasanova, Director of the Department of General Economics; afag.hasanova@wu.edu.az
  16. Ph.D. Nurlan Nasirov , Director of the Department of History and Philosophy; nurlan.pasha@wcu.edu.az
  17. Ph.D., Assoc. Sadagat Salimov, Director of the Department of Foreign Languages; sedaqet.selimova@wcu.edu.az
  18. Ph.D., Assoc. Rena Hajiyeva , Director of the Department of Information Technologies; rena_haciyeva@wcu.edu.az
  19. Ph.D. Durdan Rustamova ,Director of the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics; durdana.rustamova@wcu.edu.az
  20. B.U.F.D. Agayeva Saltanat, Director of the Department of Natural Sciences; saltanat.genetic@wcu.edu.az
  21. Ph.D. Vusal Karimli, Head of Strategic Development Department; vusal.kerimli@wcu.edu.az
  22. Fariz Hasanli, Head of Information Security and Programming Department; fariz.hasanli@wcu.edu.az
  23. Gulnara Mammadova, Deputy Head of Science Department gulnare.memmedova@wcu.edu.az
  24. Ph.D., Assoc. Tahira Aliyeva, Head of the Department of English Language and Translation; tahira.aliyeva@wcu.edu.az
  25. Rustam Huseynov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business; rustam.huseynov@wcu.edu.az
  26. Wonda Grobbleaar, Head of Quality Assurance Department; wonda.grobbleaar@wcu.edu.az
  27. President of the student organization - Rena Shirinova
  28. President of Student Scientific Society - Kerem Mustafazadeh