Western Caspian University


Scientific seminars









Guest universities

Number of foreign guests


The Scientific Bases of Multiculturalism

The lifestyle of Azerbaijan and values of national politics

Scientific Seminar

October 2019

Chair of History and Philosophy

WCU Conference Hall




Well-known Personalities of Azerbaijan

Scientific considerations of prominent Azerbaijani scientists are of great importance


November 2019

Department of Political Science and International Relations

History and Philosophy Chair

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Law





The Role of Social Networks in Deepening Students’ Readings


Analysing the role of social networks in stimulating students’ interest- an important teaching and scientific value

Scientific Seminar


February 2019

TGT, Department of Political Science and International Relations

WCU, Conference Hall




Armenians’ Genocide Against Azerbaijan

Propaganda of the tragedies perpetrated on the Azerbaijani people of scientifically important scientific and political significance.

Republican scientific conference

April 2019

Department of Political Science and International Relations

WCU Conference Hall




The Dynamics of Comparative Development of Azerbaijan and the World (1991-2018), dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the birth of our great leader

Comparative analysis of Azerbaijan's development stratification, which is a leader of the world’s development dynamics and of great political and scientific importance.

International Conference

May 2019

Faculty of Political and Social Sciences

Department of Political Science and International Relations

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Law

History and Philosophy Chair

WCU Act Hall



January 2019

‘Styling style in painting’ Rasulov E.Ş. B.m. Member of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan.

‘The Issue of Inconsistency in Legislation Regulating Psychological Assistance’ Hajiyeva Elmira, Associate Professor, Western Caspian University.

‘Gender Issues in International Relations’ Sabina Manafova, Senior Lecturer, State Committee for Family, Women and Children’s Affairs, Republic of Azerbaijan.

‘Macrozoobento of the Middle Caspian’ Elnara Jafarova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Western Caspian University.

February 2019

‘Common Words in Turkish Dialects and Turkish Literary Language’ Zabita Teymurlu, Ph.D. Baku Engineering University.

‘Traces of Constructivism in the Architecture of Azerbaijan’ Aliyev E.T. Professor, Member of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan.

‘US-Israeli Relations in US Middle East Policy’ Adigozalova Maleyka, Teacher, Western Caspian University.

‘Mapping of Key Species in the Greater Caucasus’ Shahin Huseynli, Teacher, Head of Geomatics Lab, Western Caspian University.

March 2019

‘The Place of Harold Pinter's Creation in Contemporary English Drama’ Solmaz Alasgarova, Teacher, Western Caspian University.

‘Dynamic Analysis and Strength of Characteristics of the Drill-Driving Mechanisms Considered Intermediate Spaces’ Aygun Bekirova, Teacher, Western Caspian University.

‘Prospects of Application of Leasing’ Parviz Gurbanov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Western Caspian University.

April 2019

‘Grammatical Description of Somatic Units Ending in q/k & z’ in Azerbaijani language, Jala Ganiyeva, Teacher, Western Caspian University.

‘In the Context of the Ratio of Local, Regional and Global Factors Changing Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy Perspectives’ Vassil Hajiyeva, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Western Caspian University.

‘Methodological Features of Teaching Art in Design Education’ Aliyev M. R. Teacher, Member of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan.

‘Professional Portrait of the School Psychologist’ Ahmedova Reyhan, Senior Teacher, Ph.D. Western Caspian University.

‘Restoration of Diffusion Operator with Spectral Parameter in Boundary Condition’ Chinara Ibadzade, Teacher, Western Caspian University.

‘Tax Systems in Foreign Countries’ Orkhan Bakhshiev, Teacher, Western Caspian University, Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Taxes, Republic of Azerbaijan, Department of Multilateral Affairs.

May 2019

‘Contemporary Interior Concept and its Organising Principles’ Dr. Aliyev E.T. Professor, Member of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan.

‘Problems Related to Different Ideas in Textbooks in Modern Azerbaijani Language Teaching’ Adila Asadova, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Western Caspian University.

‘Problems of Economic, Financial, Mathematical and Physical Matters in Teaching Informatics’ Rena Hajiyeva, Assistant Professor, Western Caspian University.

‘Mutual Relationships between Cultural Values ​​and Economic Behavior Models’ Mustafayeva Gunay, Teacher, Western Caspian University.

‘Macrozobento in Modern Ecological Conditions of the Mingachevir reservoir’ Konul Tagiyeva, Teacher, Western Caspian University.



October 2018

‘Geopolitical Conflicts and Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy Interests’ Fikret Sadikhov, Professor, Western Caspian University.

‘The History of American Literature’ Ruhiya Nagiyeva, Western Caspian University.

‘Azerbaijani Art in Conditions of Information War’ Gulrena Mirza, Ph.D. Associate Professor.

‘Modelling and Design of Systems’ Professor Kerimov R., Western Caspian University.

‘Problems Arising in Labour Relations and possible Solution’ Abulfat Maharramov, Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

‘Indicative Evaluation of the Conditions of Road Traffic Area in Absheron by Some Trees, Plants and Their Mycobies’ Narmin Farzaliyeva, Teacher, Western Caspian University.

November 2018

‘Azerbaijani Literature and Azerbaijan Magazines from the 1930s of the 20th century’ Vagif Bahmanli, Teacher, Scientific Centre of Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia at ANAS.

‘Problems of Video Ecology in Urban Environments’ Parvana Aliyeva b.m. Member of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan.

‘The Role of Tradition in the Building of a Strong State (Case study of Japan)’ Abdullayeva Munavvar, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Western Caspian University.

‘Socio-psychological Characteristics of Political Belief in Modern Society’ Abbasova Afarin, Senior Teacher, Western Caspian University.

‘Global Blindness’ Dunyamali Valiyev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Oriental Studies at ANAS.

‘Triple Joint Polymerization’ Naila Guliyeva. K.F.d., Western Caspian University.

December 2018

‘Global Problems of International Relations’ Aydin Mirzazade, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Member of Parliament.

‘The Styles, Norms, Principles of Speech Culture’ Samina Abdullayeva. Ped.f.d., Western Caspian University.

‘Principles of Establishing the Relationship between Technical and Artistic Subjects in Design Education’ Ashurli Y.A. Associate Professor, member of the Union of Designers of Azerbaijan.

‘Identity Problem in Challenging Teenagers in Modern Times’ Ahmedova Elnara, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Western Caspian University.

‘The Role of Social Factors in the Emergence of Neurotic Disorders among Teens’ Yigitova Emilia, Teacher, Western Caspian University.

‘Intellectual-information System of Identification of Handmade Ornaments in Azerbaijan’ Aydin Kazimzade, Assistant Professor, Technical University, Western Caspian University.

‘Business Process Regeneration’ IlhamYusufli, Senior Lecturer, Western Caspian University.

‘Evolutionary Processes of Young Stars’ Günel Bahaddinova, Ph.D., Western Caspian University.