Western Caspian University


Goal 10 : Reduced Inequalities

“Reduce inequality within and among countries”



We provide 6 modules in the bachelor and master programs where our local and foreign educators provide high quality education with a modern curriculum and more than 500 students have the opportunity to choose these modules. During these programs we aim to enhance our students’ theoretical knowledge within classrooms and implement practical skills on the field.

What we’re doing

To reduce discrimination and inequalities is one of the most essential goals of Western Caspian University. We as a university consider this Sustainable Development Goal as our core principle within and beyond the University for our students and staff, and also for society in general as regards our social responsibility toward the community.

Western Caspian University does not have any tolerance for display of prejudice or sexual abuse against any ethnic groups or minorities. Direct and indirect discrimination against any underrepresented group member of our students and staff is prohibited within the framework of the university’s internal policy, as well as within national legislation. The implementation mechanism is monitored by the Vice-Chancellor of Social and Humanitarian Affairs.

Furthermore, we provide that there is an easy access to every university facility for our disabled students. Also, we have constant online classes for our disabled students who have difficulty to come to the campuses. 

Moreover, we support our disabled students and staff members, physically, educational service and physiologically through our mentorship program

Findings and publications of our Gender Research Center as well as webinars and seminars are hosted by our University. These activities are always open to the public.

Events related to the goals

Courses/modules related to the goal

Life Sciences

Science and Engineering

Political Sciences, Arts and Humanities