Western Caspian University

Conference Archive

Conference Archive




Republican Scientific Conference: "Review of the historical-ethnographic issues of Western Asia and the Caucasus in the XII-XV centuries".





   Republican scientific-practical conference : Global challenges and prospects in economic development






   A conference on "Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani science" was held at Western Caspian University





International conference on actual problems of psychology

Conference dedicated to the 98th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev

Republican Conference on "Heydar Aliyev's legacy in the development strategy of Azerbaijan"

International Conference dedicated to the 96th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev was held

Our staff and students participated in a multidisciplinary conference


The Republican conference


Next Scientific Republic Conference at the Western Caspian University


The Republican scientific-practical conference on


Karabakh theme in literature will be held at the Western Caspian University


Conference dedicated to the 98th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev





Multidisciplinary International Conference Pontokaspi and Caucasus Region: Changes in the Connection


The Republican scientific-practical conference on "Topical issues of the History of Medieval Az


Lecture of Western Caspian University participated in an International Conference


Republic scientific-practical conference 


Multidisciplinary International Conference


News about International Conference


Multidisciplinary International Conference Pontokaspi and Caucasus Region: Changes in the Connection


 International scientific-practical conference "New directions for the development of agricultur


National Scientific Web Conference on "Education is the Future of the Nation“


Follow Up Online Conference


 Web Conference on "Methods of Improving the Quality of Web Education"


 First WCU National Conference on English and American Studies: Call for Papers





Technopark of Western Caspian University presented Xseron- an artificial intellect module in a Confe


 Western Caspian University will hold an International Conference on “Mountains: Cultures, Landscapes


Scientific-practical conference of young researchers will be held at Western Caspian University


 Another Republican Scientific Conference will take place in Our University


Another Scientific Conference in WCU


Western Caspian University Participated in Conference of the QS Organization.





 To the attention of the students!


Western Caspian University hosted the scientific conference


Scientific-practical conference in Western Caspian University


Baku hosts a conference on "Application of new accounting standards in Azerbaijan: problems and


A scientific conference on Flag Day was held at the School of Political Sciences at Western Caspian


Academic Conference at the School of Philology and Translation


Another Conference held at the Faculty of Philology and Translation


Next conference of the Center for Applied Politology held






Foreign guests of the international conference organized by the Western University will get acquaint




 The International Conference organized by the Western University continues


111/5000 Professor and PhD student at the Western University attended the International Scientific 






On 20-23rd February 2016 Fairmont hotel hosted Azerbaijan`s First National Model UN Conference 


Conference on "Modern Problems of Linguistics" was held at Western University


Conference dedicated to the 93rd anniversary of National leader Heydar Aliyev



 The conference was held in memory of Muslim Magomayev





The fourth election conference of the Youth Union of the New Azerbaijan Party Sabail District Office


International Conference "2015 Anniversaries in English Literature"


 Republican Academic Conference "Heydar Aliyev and Language"


XX traditional Student scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 92nd anniversary of national


First Practical Conference "Baku 2015" dedicated to the forthcoming European Games on &quo


West University Hosts International Conference Next Time!


 "Application of information technology in education" conference held


A Scientific Conference on the theme "The World War II and Azerbaijan" was held







Higher Education Conference on "Azerbaijan: Vision of the Future"


Conference "Nuclear Governance: prospects for a strengthened nonproliferation regime"


XIX Student Scientific Conference


 Republican Scientific Conference on "Towards a New Stage of National Development"


Election of Chairman of the West University Student Youth Organization


The Republican Scientific Conference connected with the International Year of Crystallography



Conferences 2011 

Conference of "Azerbaijan on the way to the development of society: Reality and Perspectives&qu


Thor Heyerdahl and Azerbaijan conference





 The XV Students Scientific Conference


Conferences dedicated to the 87th anniversary


International conference!