Western Caspian University

Examples of decorative applied art in modern interior design - Baku XXI century

Examples of decorative applied art in modern interior design - Baku XXI century

Dissertant: Aliyev Nasimi Nizami oglu

Scientific adviser: PhD. Art, Professor Sadigova Sevil

Relevance of the topic: Today, Baku architecture is experiencing a period of prosperity. Here, the examples of decorative appled art give integrity and beauty to the interior of the buildings in particular. From this point of view, the impact of the examples of decorative applied art in modern interior design on the architecture of Baku retain the relevance of a scientific study.

Object of the theme: The theme is mainly related to Baku architecture in relation with the interior., is The works of art with decorative features, applied in the interior of Baku architecture in the XXI century are the main object of the dissertation Thus, the types of decorative art examples that can be used in the interior and how to apply them is deeply studied.

Substantiation of the theme: The examples of decorative applied art in modern interior design have been significant not only in the modern era, but at all times. However, changes in design in accordance with the requirements of modern times did not go unnoticed in the decorative arts as well. The dissertation clarifies these changes one by one. Special emphasis is placed on examples to illustrate their effects on aesthetic taste. The role of examples of decorative applied art in the interior of XXI century Baku architecture is being studied.

Scientific novelty: the novelty of the dissertation is that currently the scientific work on the development of decorative applied art in the interior has been overshadowed as an applied scientific research in Baku. This topic will be covered through the disseration.

Degree of development of the dissertation: All work related to the dissertation is carried out. Written information has been collected from both libraries and from interviews with architects. The first chapter of the dissertation is being conducted.

Publishing: International article is about to be completed. Being prepared for publication.